You are reading content from Scuttlebutt
@cel %7ec7R6JbrKPgHAyiEIMdT5iK58oaIlIMfjGWfMqryRE=.sha256
Re: %YZ8dY4zNT


1) whose content do you see by default?

You will see your own content and that of feeds that you follow. You may see content by other users if those you follow dig it, reply or link to it. If you navigate to someone's feed you may see their messages.

2) who can see your content?

Potentially anyone may see the content of messages that you publish if they are not private (encrypted) messages. If you block someone, they may be prevented from seeing your content. In practice, people may need to follow you or follow someone who follows you to see your content.

3) how can i block someone?

On their profile page you can click the "block" button. This will publish a message to your feed saying that you have blocked their feed.

4) what does a block do?

Blocking a user will stop your scuttlebot server from getting their feed from your peers if it was before. It should prevent you from seeing new messages by them. It may prevent them from getting your new messages, but this is not guaranteed.

Note: blocking is implemented in scuttlebot. patchfoo is just a client UI for scuttlebot

what's coming down the pipeline in the arena of privacy/protection for your client.

I don't have anything planned, but I am open to suggestions and feedback.

what do i do if someone is being abusive/harassing?

You can block them. If this is inadequate, I will need help to come up with a better answer.

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