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@mix %7iXaHXqgYfjGzvmJf1w3JvWVhqlSn8GExmnATp5+Uq8=.sha256
Re: %WO7WjRFL6


First pass on the backend is done, I'm moving into the front end.

Reviewing Doodles designs - what a pleasure, there's a bunch to learn here!
Here's some observations and notes for future me building these out.

Create a new Poll

The choice picker is super elegant:

  • you see a month and can pick days on the calendar. This is a must-have IMO, I can re-use + adapt /calendar work I've already done
  • the times part is more complex
    • the time picker is a drop-down menu with 15 min increments (yes!), and it also has an entry field which hides a lot of logic
    • it also has two modes :
      • same time every day (probably build this first)
      • different times each day (not hard, just a bit of detail and care

The time picker has 2 modes, one where the times are the same

Doodle time picker mode 1

Doodle time picker mode 2

More options page seems sensible, this is where we can put things like:

  • private option (later)
  • inviting people to participate (probably include mentions in the poll object)

Doodle more options

Particpate in the poll

I can't get over how much info this view packs SO CLEANLY. beautiful.
I would love to meet the people who designed this.

Note in our case we might want to invite people before we do time-picking, because at some stage we might be able to fold in peoples time zones if they declare them (to see what times this is for people in other parts of the world... mm later)


Closing the poll

Only surprises here were the big red disclaimer / descriptor, and that Doodle lets you choose multiple times.
I think for the first version we'll just build selecting one time. Again super clear use of colour and highlighting.


Interestingly viewing the closed poll, they shift the selected time to the front (regardless of time ordering)


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