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@tim %7kJJFpqODnnPNqVg7DkaJkyRVSQ/QPNy0SKFgXo3g3Q=.sha256
Re: %QRrL2wc9o

Thank you @dinosaur

what do i do if someone is being abusive/harassing...given that this is a decentralized network and given my understanding that moderation is currently not really possible (if possible at all)?

how can we share information within our social network about potentially harmful content or people?

I have no answers only more questions:

  • How do we do this without the burden being placed exclusively on those who are directly hurt by this behaviour?
  • Does anyone have any examples of non-hierarchical groups that have succesfully managed these problems? What can we learn from them?
  • Are we all here looking for tools that empower social solutions rather than technical fixes intended as solutions in themselves? (I suspect yes but clarity might be helpful)
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