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Re: %EcGxhkiZO

"This now appears to be nothing more than a clumsy hustle, intended to ensure @gb gets a grant, if not this month then next, by preemptive accusations of all manner of prejudices and dirty dealings should @gb not be successful. - @ibob

I don't think gb will get the grant this month or next month, my dilemma is that she won't accept the vague rejection of her proposal. I haven't made any accusations of dirty dealings or prejudices, I pointed out that saying that gb will "end up losing a bunch of friends and support" is not encouraging or inclusive at all.

I think a clear and specific rejection of her proposal would give her clues as to how to prepare for the next round, as well as clarity around why her proposal was dismissed in the first place. gb's at work right now, so I'm not able to tell you if she'd be willing to accept a clear and specific rejection of her proposal. However, I do believe putting together a specific rejection letter could be a step in the right direction. Better yet, let's have it signed by the three adjudicators.

"I see myself as a bystander and am entirely ambivalent as to where these or any other grants go. However, I think it sad that folk here, trying honestly to do a good job, have to put up with this sort of garbage." - @ibob

I don't think you're a bystander @ibob, you're @mix's dad! However, I do think that it could help this political process if you both encouraged @gb to continue coding, as well as encouraged the three adjudicators of this process to put together a more formal and specific dismissal of ssb-list. Right now, all we're going on over here is 'vague', which is a vague rejection.

"I was reading what I see in the room, and what I see is the path forward that is most likely to be 'success' for gb, and for myself supporting her." @mixmix

I don't think I misunderstood anything about your saying that gb might "end up losing a bunch of friends and support" by standing up for herself.

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