@Giulio Prisco Correct me if I'm wrong, but I guess you have both been using SSB before?
The issue will be if your readers do as you say: download a client, run it, and paste your ID into the search bar.
At that point, their client (patchwork or manyverse) will not have any idea where to get any data from. They can open your ID page, and they can follow it, but they won't be able to see anything you do. This is what they will see:
To read your updates, they will need to be able to connect to some peer that replicates your feed. Typically, that would be a pub that follows you. A pub is just a regular peer with a publically-reachable IP. For example, @scuttle.us replicates your feed because it follows you. As a counter-example: my client also currently replicates your feed because @cblgh follows you, and I follow them. However, that's not gonna be any good for someone starting out on the network because a) they won't know that, since they don't have your or @cblgh's feed stored yet, and b) even if they knew I'm replicating you, they'd have no way to connect to me since I'm at home behind a NAT.
I don't know your community, but I suspect these two solutions would work at your scale:
- Use a pub. Either find a pub that you feel comfortable using and where you can reasonably expect the pub's admin to be comfortable hosting your size & kind of community. Tell your readers to join the same pub. "Joining a pub" does not merely mean following it, but rather being followed by the pub. This is done with invites, and since you're on @scuttle.us I think you know how these work?
- Use a room. Rooms are similar to pubs in that they are publically reachable, but they merely act as a sophisticated NAT traversal. As with a pub, you'd choose a room, get an invite, join the room, and tell your users to do the same. Once you're both connected to the same room, your clients should sync up. I think at least in patchwork this should happen automatically. If not, they'd have to find your user ID
and click "connect" in the left side-pane. Similarly in manyverse.
One day I'll sit down and collect some FAQ stuff for these things... 🙈