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@mix %8Uu7atJoFmGey8kbIb6lt2GWiIYUNfKYjihKnA6sOsg=.sha256
Re: %WO7WjRFL6

weaving this workflow together involves 7 repos:

Scry side

  • ssb-poll-schema
    • definition of meetingTime type poll (alias: scry)
    • defintion of a poll 'resolution'
  • scuttle-poll
    • methods for creating, getting, resolving scrys
  • patchbay-scry :new:
    • (a standalone module seperate from patchbay-poll)
    • UI components for scry (fairly agnostic, with dependency injection for server, avatar rendering, gathering creation etc)
    • 'plugs' which connect UI components into patchbay depject system.

Gatherings side

  • ssb-gathering-schema :new:
    • defintions of a gathering root, updates, and attendance type messages
    • validators for all these
  • scuttle-gathering :new:
    • methods for creating, getting, updating, gatherings
  • patchbay-gatherings :new:
    • already existed, but I'm re-writing it to work with scuttle-gathering + overhaul the design
    • same patten of UI + plugs as patchbay-scry


  • have been bumping up against litte bits and pieces and tidying as I go
  • think I'm going to extract /calendar out, but not sure what to group it with yet
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