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@andrestaltz %9215ylWjk2aNCnEh9CE6vx71J6EsHrz7xE21SD0kmvU=.sha256
Re: %jeAzYsgXW

Good to hear, @Piet!


How hard do you think Bluetooth would be to implement?

Hard, but certainly possible. There are actually some libraries out there that do this, but none (that I know of) are open source. For some reason people want to make a business out of bluetooth P2P.

Either we would have to hope they open source this, or we need to build it ourselves with plenty of hours of effort with Java development and ObjectiveC or Swift.


I think the most enabling thing here would be a proper fs interface.

Yes, agreed. Enabling blobs is quite important.

my linux on andoid can receive my laptop's UDP multicast, at least. Phone is providing the wifi.

That sounds normal, I think I did the same. But two android devices receiving each other's multicast didn't work, for some reason. When I ran arp -a on one of my phones, it showed my LAN gateway and my computer only, not other devices.

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