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@cel %9cxT3BnTcRJNo/xJiqsOMQ2wKMd+qZIzu4JOL23zmMI=.sha256
Re: %Lr8mzqWjD


i want to be able to get ssb messages without needing to make a shs/muxrpc connection. this would be for bootstrapping ssb-npm installations of scuttlebot and ssb apps. i am concerned with cases where the user wants to install scuttlebot or ssb apps via ssb-npm, but doesn't have scuttlebot installed yet, or only has patchwork installed. i want to make a bootstrap installation script that would take a message id and an address of a http server that serves ssb blobs and messages (i.e. ssb-ws or ssb-viewer on a pub) and serve a local npm registry server for installing ssb-npm packages reachable from that message id.

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