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@andrestaltz %A5UC6H3+2KbKtA4kmhnlfBoujXx3y1krvEcMxELzBKY=.sha256
Re: %b6nlgiAu3

Today I got all the pieces in place, to start actually building the app: I have a RN app with the SSB modules I made, plus some framework stuff, some basic components, the app's GUI skeleton, icons, etc.


The four tabs are:

  • News feed
  • Channels (?)
  • Metadata
  • Notifications ('mentions')

Metadata is a screen showing your connected peers, gossip data, a dashboard of ... metadata, etc. This will be a place where the user has access to raw data about everything they store on device. You add pubs here, you accept invites, etc.

I'm not sure if I should have Channels as a tab. Channels can also live in the menu accessible from the menu button on the left. Maybe I should have

  • Public
  • Private
  • Metadata
  • Notifications


This was what I achieved today and tomorrow I'll start making the basic news feed screen with messages and publishing, hooked up to background-scuttlebot and using some patchcore primitives.

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