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@ev %BZeyICR1zRpOq9DNAgrj2NXjJ5lioPbpot2S8LerDV8=.sha256
Re: %I6FaCzdXc

I won't speak for others, but personally I've been offline and haven't seen your messages. Our internet access is extremely limited in both bandwidth and capacity, and most of us have been spending time face-to-face. - @Christian Bundy

Makes sense!

I'd love if you could unpack this issue a bit. Could you post the exact configuration that allows LAN peers to query ssb-ws? - @Christian Bundy

I'm using a fork of the lts version of scuttlebot that doesn't have the connections layer. I've had a difficult time getting the lite client to work with the connections layer in a reliable way.

If the connections layer solves this issue, that's good news, as long as you only allow your device to connect to the scuttlebot.

As @DavidW mentioned, private messages do not appear to be exposed over tcp/ip, which is also good news.

It could be this is just an issue with enabling global websockets, in which case maybe this is just a problem with the lite client(s)?

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