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@dangerousbeans %CMhKk9mVWU3FlfPqOcPO8XzGb+QAV2t6qxUDuac68xU=.sha256
Re: %Wcp2fHph0

The simplest funding model I can get to work is:

  • plan the project for 3 years
  • estimate the total cost to keep flying ( say: $800,000, or 3880 eth )
  • have a set token cost of 1 = 1eth, maybe also doing a ramped up pegging thing that DAO did
  • this means we need 4,000 citizens, each paying 1 th, spread over 3 years, with most early on
  • 1,095 days over 3 years * boat can safely hold 12 people all the time = 13,140 available overnight slots for people to be aboard - 25% for downtime, events etc = 9,855 nights
  • This means everyone who holds a token gets at least a 2 night trip aboard, if everyone turns up

other stuff:

  • the sail area is going to be huge, it'd be cool to have Citizen's names up there
  • some of the citizen space could be set aside for a low cost incubator: cost offset with equity in whatever is hatched aboard to keep the project alive > 3 years
  • selling extra tokens back for merch
  • piracy
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