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@Soapy mcSoap %CRS6ePJypXy5MA8JIvL3vljgOhxX2R297uDuYrhLoFY=.sha256


This is Buck. He belongs to the owner of the coffee shop I go every day. I believe half the regulars just go there to pet Buck and his brother Bear. I wish my day was as peaceful as Bucks

@atomicpoet %l1w/Y+YmtQ1NuRdtUDGYqnGIdEtS5KrNo6wMdwEQT5Q=.sha256
Voted ![image.png](&Rwx6SLY4e3NHrpgaCZ1UQGRApwmAspX3Lq9eGfkhIDA=.sha256) This is
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