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@dan %Cor4e1sVkG1pKJ1PKxqXxKvlRvwaN4BdR2X/zMyCAOQ=.sha256

SSB Grants Team Diary :snail: :panda_face: :bear: :smile_cat:


As part of the #ssbc-grants protocol, we'll be keeping a diary of our progress within this thread.



cc: @Alanna @zelf @mu

#grants #applications #bc4good #funding

@dan %db/WCPVaZmwxuSLIqkrhnZ5IqXJaAVMY9WyPsE3p6Os=.sha256

Image Source

@dan %4B2Q8aRpYiE9xy1PE0urMZ4ouDH25bPjm9Pv0OxeLfo=.sha256

Just a quick update to say that work on this grant will begin in around August as several of the team are on the road atm and there is no pressing urgency.

More updates to come from then onwards.

The first mini update is that the team has decided to set up a btc multisig wallet for receipt of the 5k from dominic. 5k USD is being matched by so we felt this gave a balance of experimentation but also enough hedged bets to be able to underwrite the work which needs doing.

@dan %dNlQn0UUeNbTH/iY/KOxhLzlWdoUtmXMaL3ANfjtHTA=.sha256

tropical leaf green plant up lavender.gif sm_grass.gif sage_brush.gif med_grass.gif dandelion_gold.gif lrg_grass.gif dandelion_puff.gif cheese plant down green leaf

replicated from my #gif-garden

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@dan %QgeZCnuUbyw1JxhOndjrHlDZQssgmdZb7t8wRBG7YlQ=.sha256

Thanks for the offer @elavoie as and when we get stuck into writing and it becomes clear which "modules" we need we'll be in touch with you as you have an attention to depth and also a clarity in your writing :)

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@dan %4TfGzgSas4dbwTV1f88Q41/dAMEd8E/ZTteRNr7Btv8=.sha256

@zelf wondering where you are at with #b4sg grant? I understand that it has emerged that you've taken this on?

@mu myself and @alanna are out of the loop.

@dan %p45myc+2ytdpRvC5069+1FF5PtyCTWuD5fJWsVWkhN8=.sha256
Voted [@zelf](@3ZeNUiYQZisGC6PLf3R+u2s5avtxLsXC66xuK41e6Zk=.ed25519) wondering wh
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