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@andrestaltz %fOX1lUaiMyZqOdJUoe2fsBetUuMrc+GwgZTEZCBqX80=.sha256
Re: %E+kE8SPAC

2 or 3 of these proposals will be funded, that's up to Dominic. This means I delegate the decision of whether or not to fund the C Sbot proposal to Dominic.


If your proposal was selected, then do this in order:

  • Send invoice details as a private message to @dominic, either ETH address or bank details:
    • Option A: ETH address, plus mailing address for the invoice
    • Option B: bank name, bank address, account number, BIC/SWIFT code, plus mailing address for the invoice
  • Create a dev diary thread in the #ssbc-grants channel
  • Add your dev diary to this: %9psz2xP...

(Andre takes off the :tophat: adjudicator hat and puts it back in the closet)

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