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@Dominic %BsDJaDTktgErai13JlylPiRx01C46D37SyxrGW1rZuA=.sha256

I wanted to suggest that since we are still working out some stuff for the maintainence program and want to some budget left for that prehaps we should roll back to just two grants this month. Or we could make it 3, then two next month?

I wrote that then I slowly realized that while when we began the grants process I had said it was an experiment and we might change it later... but I never established what the means of making that change would be. Now the grants process feels like it has a lot of momentum because everyone expects it to continue.

discussions such as maintainence sprints... are certainly not resolved yet but are important.

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@Dominic %JgPOQLCg8UK1d17/lyjgvQFwyncMQtgXO7hUWt53rDY=.sha256

@elavoie well I guess it really started during @matt's grant proposal last month - which caused us to realize that the grant format didn't suit quite a lot of the work that needs to be done.

We then discussed this in various threads: such as The Guild Maintainance Sprints Journeys and SSB Maintainance

(and the #guild tag) this train of thought also led to the Village Issue Tracker idea

@dan %dSyCRs40bkW/u8dyu1cBCZbIhZCKKxVsCQIL2N1BMhE=.sha256

Hey folx, this thread has gone way off track so I have forked off to

Discussion about moving some of the #ssbc-grants funds to an alternate Distribution Experiment

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@ev %vzjwHjPiGH3wnabXfZ9AQsEfAyCE2Iec2FXaL7ffQ+I=.sha256

@corlock Not sleeping! I've taken up your call for additional ssbc grants and submitted my request here: mutable messages on ssb

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@andrestaltz %e3WR8Cpl6N9tpXnKde1gayYCzvBM7gzMZR6ZbS0od3k=.sha256

Great! I'll aim for June 6 as a personal deadline for the decision. In the meanwhile, vote and comment!

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@Anders %/TjVK/QltNKKGS9BQcRstXXpziiRVRD8RyFER/GEwNo=.sha256

I'm really excited about the External Grants Working Group proposal. The group of people have already show great skills in coordinating grants and I'm confidant that they will bring great results. I also love how we use the existing grant money to fund even more awesomeness in the future.

The mutable messages grant proposal looks very well put together. @ev has been very response to the feedback giving and that he already has a working propotype is a very good start. It's also an important piece of the puzzle so I'm fully behind this.

My first reaction to the implement SSB in C was a bit of caution. Another implementation and C hmm. But then I started reading the proposal and especially this reply and I got very excited about the possibilities this brings. I think this really shows a lot of the flexibility that SSB has.

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@mix %QjKyXp4NVr9lvFIriggcpNXCGaVrta7ACETEMa5Abow=.sha256

I'm for all 3, same reasons as above:

  • grants : a new domain, and an excellent collection of humans, also not code
  • mutable : yes please, and a chance to support ev on a rad project, and one that I think will benefit the whole ecosystem
  • c replication : more implementations means more clarity in the back end
    • (NEW terminology scuttle-side / butt-side?)

@corlock thanks for clearly pulling together the proposals in a way which makes it really easy to participate and know that the deadline has passed :heart:

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@Dominic %ujukKWO3XjINeC+KPrMGrL913/RDx6ByzfTG3nkKIL4=.sha256

Damn, I'm really glad that I said "2 or 3" because then we can fund all three without me having to go back on my word. :+1: :+1: :+1:

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@andrestaltz %dAosxLWCoqQr06jHcuFNc9C9aPuuJy/u3qInIUF2bks=.sha256

Selected proposals

(Andre puts on the Adjudicator Hat :tophat: . He now looks and sounds like a robot, following a strict and heartless process)

Accepted proposals

All three were accepted.

Sorted from most voted to least voted

@andrestaltz %6jIFKhPHmiIQnTLdLwJC0PE38dDWNdlYuejfaQyPhBM=.sha256
@andrestaltz %tKE8YsMGWcqsBDHTPga9PRUp9LXItkAiloyPJjau94Q=.sha256
  • Minimal Sbot in C
    • Applicant: cel
    • Purpose: lightweight sbot to participate in the network, on constrained devices or with constrained resources, e.g. OpenWRT, embedded systems, ARM architectures, cheap VPS
    • Purpose: faster pub servers, enable antenna servers, provide an alternative gossip scheduler
    • Trustworthiness: Cel is an active community member who has built many SSB modules, most notably git-ssb and the previous sbotc in C
    • Trustworthiness: 11 votes
@andrestaltz %fOX1lUaiMyZqOdJUoe2fsBetUuMrc+GwgZTEZCBqX80=.sha256

2 or 3 of these proposals will be funded, that's up to Dominic. This means I delegate the decision of whether or not to fund the C Sbot proposal to Dominic.


If your proposal was selected, then do this in order:

  • Send invoice details as a private message to @dominic, either ETH address or bank details:
    • Option A: ETH address, plus mailing address for the invoice
    • Option B: bank name, bank address, account number, BIC/SWIFT code, plus mailing address for the invoice
  • Create a dev diary thread in the #ssbc-grants channel
  • Add your dev diary to this: %9psz2xP...

(Andre takes off the :tophat: adjudicator hat and puts it back in the closet)

@andrestaltz %AU6T1KQEUBXBbcNN3ovoPeE7D4mhlbik3gQW/hYRcdE=.sha256

Speaking now as a human, I also want to see these three proposals funded. I announced the decisions already now because it was an easy task (so few proposals to judge, and all are good), and it's already June 6 in New Zealand.

  • EGWoG (External Grants Working Group)
    • It's clear we are running out of Dfinity funds and we need to be looking for the next big bags of money to apply to good use. This team is very competent and doing something noble which so far has been on Dominic's back. I really support their initiative and 5k$ is actually little, so this should be a no-brainer decision.
  • Minimal sbot in C
    • I'm looking forward for what cel will do with this for two reasons: we need more off-the-grid integrations with SSB and this project is perfect for that, validated also by Nico who works on librerouter. The second reason is that on-the-grid it may make it improve the people-served-per-pub ratio, which has a direct influence on reducing the required total number of internet pubs needed for communities, and allows SSB to scale a bit better on the grid.
  • Mutable messages
    • Ev has been applying for many grants and this one looks like a low hanging fruit with high impact. I'm looking forward to see it, but what really excites me is whether we'll see wiki-over-ssb due to it.
@mix %RqTC8OLC+vOOmTGjfoFd27eP2pgDMQwKxYsIRVEyZfQ=.sha256

thanks for the work pulling all that together @andrestaltz - it takes time and care, and it's a gift happily received


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