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Feed of @Anders

Hi, I'm Anders and I live in the northern part of Denmark.

@Anders %AP+eRo83ePPBL00nfO6NsCrTQIKmWZqefjJO9FDngJ8=.sha256
Voted wrote two short things about ssb which I guess someone can find useful for
@Anders %6Di4F8//ZqI/wIr51t/9WVk45Zd1qO0F7N1GDRMHc9g=.sha256
Voted ## Update ### DAG Sync I've been doing some reading of Aljoscha's tangle
@Anders %ZGeI3UB9l84uAqKf1ROiGg4r4X9srD2qXiCiJnprNWI=.sha256
Voted # Planetary Go Dev Diary ## It is alive! Planetary 2.0.0 is in the public
@Anders %CvXe6j9K39upFCCrJYpJUzdght4md3yd+K2w/pcdQC4=.sha256
Voted ## Update In the last update, we were exploring the idea of using `xor` to
@Anders %720hSHsItQkQNj6mIPssH9vWtFn0nrWoxTWbwYDOLds=.sha256
Voted # Planetary Go Dev Diary ## go-ssb I created a #go-ssb [pull-request whic
@Anders %xFSg9//17C23QLKEuynz2zDfqWN4E71/H7vNfnxKOqs=.sha256
Voted is scuttlebutt p2p? or is it pier-to-pier
@Anders %/LSuMELQlx+5VWmSufIRTm4OCT7gwPb+tMtJskmoSJk=.sha256
Voted Just finished this and it was great! Really so much better that _Walkaway_
@Anders %R6HnSQCb4mnfUvUD4xx/atb54LehX7PwCs60jrUeStE=.sha256
Re: %swCfftVHM

The activity tab change is a huge improvement

@Anders %uhhIHqr3pmx5q3A0SGOXZTkh4PTRVf1dmZfHrVlLHBc=.sha256
Voted ## #Manyverse 0.2303.3-beta ![Promo of the new recent hashtags feature sho
@Anders %dC1UoIplXvA7OD8yP13AMd2fn/YGvC9jF5L6Yji1m80=.sha256
Voted # Planetary Go Dev Diary ## Planetary The version of planetary which runs

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