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@mix %9psz2xPwGhGG7mIkTIgCEy/xX7r6uQDNQyjl0Nopiw4=.sha256

Dev-Diary Meta Thread

The intention of requiring grant recipients to write a [non-]Dev Diary was mainly about sharing excitement:

  • the community can cheer you on when they see what awesome stuff you're exploring :stars:
  • people wondering whether they should give money to the ssb ecosystem have a clear record of our awesomeness with grants.

To that end, this thread is intended as an aggregator for all Dev Diary threads

If you've received a grant, please post a link to your Dev Diary here with a format like:

Grant Name:
Dev Diary:
@mix %czjYb+Dd0OceCdR+ypCIExEjaLznJpIj9MTcrCUmN5E=.sha256

November: @matt @cel @zach @andrestaltz
December: me @vtduncan @Aljoscha @luxxor

@mix %vuDrVQQ8iIrfM6N5vN+7pjlc6pQLVYk7JYD6PBlHdRQ=.sha256

Mix helps you code it

December 2017

Summary: Mix will enable others to build their Scuttlebutt dreams using all his teaching and community coordination skills.

Proposal : %DRFg49t...
Dev Diary : %iwRnl7A...

@Anders %SbCq4kwlfPp7g+V6oyXJCKsrjRcqtu7zM69R8LR2byk=.sha256

Great! I was thinking we needed something like this. Thanks @mix :heart:

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@aljoscha %H+FY5tBY2mjm6zO07ao5tKrx3VSQ0e+cxlgu5d5p9rY=.sha256

An ssb client library in Rust

December 2017

Summary: Reimplement the ssb-client javascript module in Rust.

Proposal : %pYNveoq...
Dev Diary : %y2WlAvR...

@andrestaltz %u84HY3Wjyyjxn3XtUZtUJFWjSClxeXnMGofvCmXj2a4=.sha256

Mobile app development

November 2017

Summary: install persistent database on mobile, make the public feed in MMMMM usable and with good performance.

Proposal: %dRRJzh1...
Dev Diary: %3vAGovs...

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@cel %OyXNrv4MkebJySMCtXZFosTa05SEZR1cT+Lv3ebg1OA=.sha256

git-ssb maintenance and development

November 2017

Summary: Improve git-ssb by fixing bugs and implementing features that people want.

Proposal: %FwgAV9r...
Dev Diary: %m6JoXt0...

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@mix %DJO/8xbbENuhpmDgSnZkfrVDrLhL+W+24nw1CnAw1jc=.sha256

Hey Janurary cohort: @dominic, @arj, @nanomonkey, @piet

can you add entries in here (see format above), so we can look back and celebrate, and walk the history more easily in the future :bee:

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@Anders %xmq5ie+jlxXpUrO5YEK5kDUYe8IIZFk3fyt4BlvRoLg=.sha256


Summary: Add benchmarking ci framework to better understand how scuttlebot behaves and make it easier to find regressions. Secondly, identity and fix bottlenecks in scuttlebot and related components.

Month: January 2018

Dev diary: #benchmark-ci, starting from %FTparQh...

Original proposal: %j4opufq...

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@mix %aEMxReJpeHKq8/JeFzblkQg9+D66r+uRD1LNlnltWbs=.sha256

Janurary - @dominic please add your entry

hey Feburary cohort can you add your details here (see format at top) : @SoapDog @jolyon

@Dominic %FBmwW1PlT6P5zJYLJDY1JYZ+fa9b7sBfs7V1evIm3QQ=.sha256

Epidemic-Broadcast-Trees & onboarding performance

Summary finish off epidemic broadcast trees good enough for onboarding

Month January 2018

dev diary dev-diary replication/ebt

Proposal : improve onboarding/sync performance

@SoapDog %3jagfOZ7C9g0DnUbb+eMULPYT5g3oRRS4cT5Hm9bC28=.sha256

Summary: Add Scuttlebutt features to Firefox. Create an add-on for the browser that serves as a minimal client for the platform.

Month: February 2018

Dev Diary: %vanIz/c...

Proposal: %OrZtPhI...

@mix %OhU5zAb4YVPgaufzT4y8nflzi0kQNYNxkAfRGVoMUm0=.sha256

March cohort - @dominic @sam @angelica @keks / @cryptix can you add your details to this thread (see format at top)

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@mikey %UnO1wfIKAc1XEi3kYwkU0LWH209qVyUWMZhsc3lbG6Y=.sha256

ButtCloud :peach: :partly_sunny: :rainbow:

Summary: better pub infrastructure and a hosted pub-as-a-service product

Month: April 2018

Dev Diary: %bSkZCJB...

Proposal: %HqwAslt...

@mmckegg %9iBkz/1z6t6in+glOSSFkyw3fTBBA7T14C8CgMrfnfI=.sha256

Patchwork Development April/May 2018 :construction: :sparkles: :wrench:

Month: April 2018

Dev Diary: %hHI7p1W...

Proposal: %YshVpy9...

@luandro %G6tHNS4AnoglrNIh/AudNn14s0CSJlESUW7RBWFfZcg=.sha256

Local Community On-Boarding :airplane: :satellite:

Summary: make the ecosystem more inclusive and ubiquitous for local communities

Month: April 2018

Dev Diary: %lIbjvwj...

Proposal: %BXHiadl...

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@dan %60jr5FFqOQnDBbLG+wMnvqcggPZhR5nR7sf9BQ7hf8U=.sha256

SSB Grants Team Diary :snail: :panda_face: :bear: :smile_cat:


  • Purpose: help structure funding process for the SSB foundation
  • Purpose: collate useful information/text for grant proposals, look into legal entities and fundholding, and facilitate the SSB community to think and talk more about approaches to funding

Month: June 2018

Dev Diary: %Cor4e1s...

Proposal: %ZV986t7...

@cel %R+2W6HwWbnqchb8jdCNXJbFX/1YPrHZZ4faLH9BmkUg=.sha256

Minimal sbot in C

Summary: Implement a SSB peer server in C, targeting SSB replication on resource-constrained devices.

Month: June 2018

Dev Diary: %Ylr4TEM...

Proposal: %SQ6BGiW...

@ev %2cIYojtXWg1VLNq3iEKrGTQTyLgkNYIPADlHQf6ziUQ=.sha256

Mutable Messages

Summary: Bring mutable messages to the ssb community

Month: June 2018

Dev Diary: %PtxLfew...

Proposal: %2HYP9MQ...

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User has not chosen to be hosted publicly
@mix %iVzKOpDlFxJfKGARZntpuz/HA/ARkp3w5iicZJ25OPg=.sha256

Better Connections

Summary : make a human flow that connects organising a meeting time with a poll, through to the generation of a gathering, through to allowing people to see which gatherings they're attending.

Month: August 2018

Dev Diary : %WO7WjRF...

Proposal : %xpH7/rx...

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