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@cel %FwgAV9rivjXiePkzvO9HY/uBv0b90miReB7CSPm2jWQ=.sha256

SSBC Grant Request

#git-ssb maintenance and development

I would like to improve git-ssb. For this grant, I would plan to accomplish the following:

  • Fix memory usage issue of git-ssb-web.
  • Produce a better library for js ssb clients to use to integrate git-ssb.
  • Implement filtering of repo updates by author or other criteria.
  • Implement better recovery for "broken" repos.
  • Identify and/or implement protocol/schema improvements.
  • Do other work as needed to address the above or other git-ssb issues that people identify.
@Dominic %aJPiWJDv6sfSNoV+N6ZgfLqaLEm+ofsl2Bap4NR9LkU=.sha256

@cel can we have a job-queue thing for open issues and pull requests?

@cel %A/IAWp/a9U2ZVQR88slBxiiLLzuRwP2kJAiCVWVQsuE=.sha256

@dominic sure

@Anders %lsZl5SThaP37mMWiOTqcf8Bu1BUf9mOdBidIdPXFxIY=.sha256

Yes! I was hoping you would submit this.

Two things that would be git-ssb better for me:

  • something like autofetch for git blobs from people I follow so I don't have to wait (ran into this last night :))
  • ability to do line by line comments and code review
@Gordon %fwQAXBanToyJuOjsK2w0bpjxEkarsfE2NMiCimit5eI=.sha256

Awesome. I really like git-ssb, and I'm glad you submitted this proposal.

The main feature I'd like from git-ssb is the ability to restrict who can push to your repository. I'd like ssb-chess to be on git-ssb, but I'd like things only to be able to reach my master branch via pull requests from people.

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@andrestaltz %Qj4j0o6dVW0rLPneGKAJXoh/OEpemtrQj7vRz0l3zfI=.sha256

:agree: (with this proposal)

@mmckegg %cmL3qYUWS7zHwv6E+G7moSVwDKDEUy4ltCHIYAp2ZPE=.sha256


@mikey %rvwqrD0RnQW99IzrFIPB4uBbKrkraGJMgMxfU1e3EDo=.sha256


@mix %TEQkhdYn6ng282Tvc3zTP39SIQb4ONHvLTLgZXwnLC4=.sha256

hey @cel I didn't speak up on this earlier because I was immediately voicing my support for it in the main thread.

congrats on the grant!

re: "Produce a better library for js ssb clients to use to integrate git-ssb."

I'm sure you have good ideas for how to do that. If you're interested in hearing the blocks @matt and I had when we tried to access git-ssb primitives, would love to talk about that (and what we were trying to do).

@cel %4jLyjpLC7RZ8zvSANi2Th9U4kWpqumcmDt5JqJZ/3aE=.sha256

Thanks @mix.

If you're interested in hearing the blocks @matt and I had when we tried to access git-ssb primitives, would love to talk about that (and what we were trying to do).

Yes please

@mix %6bzgEDr0ysTmqn0Gs+A8ba8ME33SfyrQOnYsBv+nx7c=.sha256

sorry about the slow reply.

@matt and I sat down one evening at art~hack to try and to see if we could build a bit of a git-ssb interface in patchcore style. The problems we hit as I remember them (correct me if I'm wrong matt) :

  • we wanted to take a repo key, and just get the current master branch - ideally an (observeable) object with the file/tree structure. The logic for this in git-ssb-web felt really spread out and coupled (to the views / server?). I think we found what we needed but failed to extract it
  • we hit intermittenent bugs with some repos (e.g. patchbay) where git-ssb crashed the sbot. Made learning very hard
    • I think you replied that you'd fixed this, but I got the impression (could be wrong) that the solution was in your new ssb registrry, so I got caught up trying to use that without making it my global install. When I ran out of time in this rabbit hole I lost momentum. Is git-ssb on npm/ github the most recent version?

my dream for a library would be to be able to call it something like:

const location = { key: '%djgfd6544', branch: 'my_feature', path: '/app/components/nav.js' }

gitSSB.getRepo(location, callback)   // getRepo is a terrible function name

where callback is passed the data object of all the things i need for that view of the repo (tree, blob addresses, anything else?). I guess things get more challenging if you want to see when different files were lasted edited

similar APIs for PRs would be awesome.

I'm sure I've missed considerations that will be more obvious to those further into building out everything needed (like yourself)

happy to jam and do documentation driven development or clarify anything here. @matt please addyour thoughts too

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