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@andrestaltz %AU6T1KQEUBXBbcNN3ovoPeE7D4mhlbik3gQW/hYRcdE=.sha256
Re: %E+kE8SPAC

Speaking now as a human, I also want to see these three proposals funded. I announced the decisions already now because it was an easy task (so few proposals to judge, and all are good), and it's already June 6 in New Zealand.

  • EGWoG (External Grants Working Group)
    • It's clear we are running out of Dfinity funds and we need to be looking for the next big bags of money to apply to good use. This team is very competent and doing something noble which so far has been on Dominic's back. I really support their initiative and 5k$ is actually little, so this should be a no-brainer decision.
  • Minimal sbot in C
    • I'm looking forward for what cel will do with this for two reasons: we need more off-the-grid integrations with SSB and this project is perfect for that, validated also by Nico who works on librerouter. The second reason is that on-the-grid it may make it improve the people-served-per-pub ratio, which has a direct influence on reducing the required total number of internet pubs needed for communities, and allows SSB to scale a bit better on the grid.
  • Mutable messages
    • Ev has been applying for many grants and this one looks like a low hanging fruit with high impact. I'm looking forward to see it, but what really excites me is whether we'll see wiki-over-ssb due to it.
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