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@mikey %Dcf4pY/tZqt907ymb7IH+fpjYW5AJjW3OZR4JPXqjdI=.sha256
Re: %elHaX7yb+

ready to send sticker mail tomorrow! :envelope: :airplane: :mailbox:


if you have sent me a message, i should have "liked" your message and you should have an envelope addressed to you with stickers inside. i added extra stickers to most every request, and now i have no more stickers to give. i'm happy to print and send another batch in the future when there is more demand.

for reference, breakdown of cost:

  • 125 NZD for 250x stickers (100x rainbow hermies, 50x white hermies, 50x rainbow ssb, 50x black ssb)
  • 3 NZD for each international envelope with postage included

and no, i do not want to be reimbursed. this is a gift. if you want to "pay me back": give someone else a gift, tell your friends and co-workers something nice, be kind to your neighbors, call your family, whatever be cooperative. :heart:

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