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@mikey %Dd4ZrH7s+SVFJijnd41/cMP24WvpCmMEjgke4I/LY+o=.sha256
Re: %b6nlgiAu3

I might be already utterly screwed, because RN native modules can only be asynchronous, and it seems like sodium has mostly synchronous APIs?

having JS crypto is great for a proof-of-concept, but its at least an order of magnitude slower than native crypto. is there any way around this restriction, or any plans for React Native to support synchronous native APIs? and if not, are we willing to write and use only asynchronous APIs for sodium in order to have first-class mobile support via React Native? @Dominic

also hey roots working in React Native already: @gregkan @sararrrgh @iainkirkpatrick, it's happening.

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