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@mix %EPtjKh35WKz7mrvgdR+2AvKxupUU0Vs9ZBw6D68pP/M=.sha256
Re: %097e3vE5p

Part of my fire around this topic started with me, as in "hey, where's the commons building voice at this table, where my p2p FOSS crew?". I went looking for how I could engage with corporate prices, and discovered that I wasn't the only one who was left off the invitation.
This took it from personally a bit annoyed to kinda more down the deeply troubling end of the spectrum. There's a chance this crew will be so ineffective they will not change anything (as I said their competition has already blocked them). What I'm worried about is the discourse and idea space being polluted with individual centric capitalistic perceptions of identity. If government hears that's the new cool thing and start paying people to build that, then we're missing a massive opportunity to have the definition of identity widened - this would work really well for Maori (as far as I understand), and I think it would also benefit pakeha a lot too.

cc @sam

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