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@mikey %EcLepVhO5JJXefvhp6GoFkRwT2+6hIslHBww82/0GrM=.sha256
Re: %zv56AbEcR

team roles


a "member", in the context of the "rusty sunrise choir" team, is a person who has been accepted to be a part of the team.

a "sponsor" makes agreements to provide livelihood to "rusty sunrise choir" working members.

the "navigator" manages the roadmap into achievable milestones, tracks progress, and cuts releases.

the "navigator" is the link between the sponsors and the developers, to ensure communication is as good as possible.


a "developer" works on tasks that make progress towards the roadmap.

these tasks may include design, documentation, testing, coding, reviews, or more.


a "supporter" helps "developers" do well, which may include participating in conversations, giving feedback, or pairing on tasks.

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