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@cel %FKrPt5G2R3ajEm0z02+jOBkVswgUpNwwzCjxDTgIz7A=.sha256
Re: %QR+g7Rrtl

The Allocators may at any time change the Allocation and publish the change. They may decide on an internal decision-making process [9] and Reallocation Schedule [10] for making changes.

[9] For example, they may decide that an Allocator may publish a change after proposing it to the other Allocators privately and receiving approval or acknowledgement of it from at least two of them. Or they may decide that any of them may make a change with or without consulting the others, according to some parameters. Or they may decide to defer changes to regular intervals according to a Reallocation Schedule. Or the Principal may solely approve and/or publish changes. If a Allocator other than the Principal publishes a change to the Allocation, they should have authority from the Principal to do so, so that people can be confident that changes published by the Allocators are valid.

[10] They may decide to periodically, such as every other month, reevaluate the Allocation, evaluating their criteria for each Maintainer and updating amounts accordingly. The reevaluation may include searching the SSB network for maintainers who newly fit their criteria, to offer them to be added to the Allocation. If a maintainer is no longer maintaining or otherwise no longer fits the Allocators' criteria, the Allocators may remove them from the Allocation, optionally after a grace period or after attempting to contact them to confirm if they are still maintaining SSB projects.

@andrestaltz the payments would be recurring but subject to change, as @mix said. So it should last as long as the person is maintaining SSB projects, while funds are available, unless the Allocators decide to limit payment based on other factors. Payment frequency is up to the Principal. I assume it would be monthly. If the process and payment technology were streamlined enough I would encourage trying a higher frequency.

For frequency/schedule of allocation decisions, my opinion is that this is for the Allocators to decide, as the work of allocation is theirs. They could use a monthly reallocation schedule to match the frequency of payments, and only make changes according to that schedule. Or they could try a reallocation schedule of 1 or 2 or 3 or more months, while also being responsive to requests for changes and make changes on their own between reallocations as they find appropriate. Or, they could try not having a reallocation schedule, and instead make changes in response to requests and continuous monitoring of SSB maintenance activity and/or other criteria. If they adopt a regular reallocation schedule, I suggest they consider deferring any decreases of maintainers' amounts until the next reallocation, to respect human psychological sensitivity to loss of expected future rewards.

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