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@Hendrik Peter %FXkbOpaRbjWGiEvMyqiOilGXCysmwVk8wx+H+eHOkGE=.sha256

I just installed the latest version of Patchwork, the client is telling me "I'm not following anyone"
has anyone else experienced this?

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@Daan Patchwork %+hP6LrReKwBLq9rsIdREf1HrVgwWCcVr+3lrxaiNubs=.sha256

@Hendrik Peter yes %czTyW4/...

@Hendrik Peter %1bqO+4ykwISlqzqy5F1FdyLMxU2/JYL2zi6tf+brXxI=.sha256

I ran SSB First aid kit, removed my indexes and things seem to be working again.

@Daan Patchwork %1aYdpsVCwDUeXydkWICN+7YoZY2WHM7lRmSE8eFVSAg=.sha256

yeah it seems to be some index migration problem. I need a few hours at least to debug this. gotta find the time tomorrow evening or so

@Hendrik Peter %gxT1KGbgKq1cd8ClaiqrcxQOCheuNXQrGQ3UuHd0vZw=.sha256

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