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@Christian Bundy %Far1Rz3fvKasmSAyDa1KFX42doeWJr6/XbNPfN7N0p0=.sha256
Re: %/+BipmLYh


SSB-Server is actually two completely separate modules:

  • An SSB service that runs in the background.
  • An instance of [MuxRPCLI] for command-line MuxRPC calls.

Most of the calls you do are going to be like gossip.connect or replicate.request, because the SSB-Gossip and SSB-Replicate plugins place all of their behavior in an object. Unfortunately we aren't consistent and SSB-DB just puts all of its methods at the top-level, which is why we have createHistoryStream instead of db.createHistoryStream.

That version you're seeing is actually a method from SSB-DB, so it's actually returning SSB-DB's version.

Another confusing thing though:

ssb version

Show version numbers (sync)

  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]
  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]

Using SSB-CLI (alternative to MuxRPCLI) I can see the usage info, which shows me a --version flag. The really weird part:

$ ssb version --version


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