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@ev %FzBqBGm2QWHv91nfTvgKj6W9JWMXZdqFJEQ6e9Kv1yQ=.sha256
Re: %KXHeBAnfJ

What's your read on TypeScript? I've used it before and don't have any problems with the syntax, but I'm kind of hesitant to jump ship from JavaScript to a project I believe is maintained by Microsoft. Are my worries misplaced? - @Christian Bundy

V8 is maintained by Google, so the same is true with Node.

But yes, Deno aims to solve the above problem, and a number of other problems such as getting rid of npm.

I find it hard not to disagree with the comments saying that Dominic could have done more to mitigate this situation. He also has indicated that he knows how to fix a known exploit in secure-scuttlebutt, but has so far been unwilling to fix the issue.

Can people who are not blocked by Dominic reach out to him and explain that it is his moral responsibility to fix this exploit before it is used to do harm to this network?

Let me apologize in advance for the flame war that is about to be directed at me for bringing this up again.

My fear is the next time we're on HN, it's because someone has posted abusive content here, and there's no way for us to delete it from our local machines and pubs.

I also wrote about this here: %MEE6w3S...

I wish I could fix this myself, but no matter how long I stare at the Flume DB code, I still don't get it. The only person I know on this network who understands Flume is the man who created it, Dominic Tarr.

If anyone else can fix this, and let Dominic off the hook, by all means fix it.

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