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@andrestaltz %GL9E4larYoZ7ANErcjQNNaH/GEXXBSPntSksqBRR7+M=.sha256
Re: %EcGxhkiZO

if I get you a document that says exactly how the funds will be used this month, will you still consider my proposal for this month's round?

@gb for fairness with others (because this is not the first ssbc-grant proposal that didn't pass) and to stay consistent with what I said before, the two options going forward are:

  1. Dominic and Mix both vote for passing your proposal
  2. You resubmit the proposal next round

The second option is not just about specifying how funds will be used. To reiterate what is needed:

  • Look for another common use case that the community needs which they currently use threads for, but which would benefit more from custom-built mvd-based methods. It may or may not be a listings use case, but make it community-first.
  • Make a clear plan with milestones
  • If the proposal is mostly UI then show at least some design sketches
  • Prefer to build on top of existing stable tools, not ones in flux like mvd
  • Do some background investigation and list some references/links in the proposal

Not all of these need to be done, but at least more than one of these should be done in one form or another, to make a good proposal.

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