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@Rich %GaHkr6M1ubdoP9cygsmBXnlS2vtofGqqXCe1RqNxUoA=.sha256
Re: %TMtnvFldv

Haha @alanz I just chose those names because they are neutral.

At Enspiral we call Mollys "members" and Larrys "contributors", which is okay, but not ideal because most contributors would think of themselves as "members of the community", in the natural sense of the word.

When our swarm/team at Loomio adopted this org pattern we just had an open conversation with everyone who was participating. Eventually we found 6 people who were able to commit and prioritise the project, so they became the inner core (we call them Members too, because they have a legal membership in the cooperative company). Everyone else was a "contributor". Over time, some of the contributors moved on, and some of them stepped in to the core.

I feel I may be derailing this thread though :smiley:

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