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@Dominic %65noCFfBOv52NvL9U+Bln2tV6lvz3hGlQutMG32pPnA=.sha256

So how do we build systems that systematically arn't oppressive?

(some reactions are that systems are the problem, but I counter that even if we go back to growing our food directly in the dirt, all the techniques and knowledge we use for that are a system)

By the time we have a phone in our hands, we are holding a system, except it's really holding us.

We need a field of feminist engineering.

(this is what scuttlebutt is trying to be, but this is obviously just a first step)

@jfr %YxMC/fncSiRSH+jeufxD8eyDeKFWCOk2vCunfT6G71E=.sha256

I read feminist engineering and phones and trust and just have to mention that the Bloody Health Collective that I am a part of has built a FOSS cycle tracking app that doesn't collect any data (other than on your phone). For anyone reading this who might be interested in that kind of thing.
we've held a bunch of first-time contributors' workshops and for a lot of people there, the notion that they can actually build the apps on their phones themselves, or modify them, was pretty radical. I think that's part of the equation too, showing people that they don't have to be passive consumers of technology. Getting more, and different people involved in building things.

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