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Feed of @jfr
@jfr %3weOHKJYnOXkGdpn0yIDLA6LqEnTKu6FM6fq1l3cNDY=.sha256
Voted ## Client Server analogy ![client_server_analogy.jpg](&CmGBBzTbE4gqsQSoPb
@jfr %32TjO8cvu8CAU8cQVRHI5r4ZRzvcgFGDR8I3/g6J7aY=.sha256
Voted ![gasp.png](&tkBYefAUlC91waAwIpyq8LqHJPQlU5OqkuLVpd11KVE=.sha256) my sbot
@jfr %feEVxWMzE4hVJ2Nvgw3y0FI1sWEI55ljsl/N8Vz2MoE=.sha256
Voted ![mix_ehf](&vddZSB8PhGnP0vA0AoqucJvw6Lc2ZxSjdMdkv/7NJvI=.sha256) At the re
@jfr %rkhq5xG/EJtoZFkB7/ri5RPwZWlD0N+ySPizN15BdvY=.sha256
Voted quickly it comes round now. The Head Gardener hard at
@jfr %rDnfYvCaS9kBJSzAy/VGEWgrq4+KQrebIieUnQ2xI8w=.sha256
Voted Honestly, I'm beginning to think "was React Native *that* much worth it aft
@jfr %MbLFnci5TM6pmkQDXEL2+bpc3W36zKY0v/5k/XmNPR4=.sha256
Re: %peIAo4yty

By any chance, does anyone have any experience with Lineage on a Pixel 2?

@jfr %YxMC/fncSiRSH+jeufxD8eyDeKFWCOk2vCunfT6G71E=.sha256
Re: %HASht2ePa

I read feminist engineering and phones and trust and just have to mention that the Bloody Health Collective that I am a part of has built a FOSS cycle tracking app that doesn't collect any data (other than on your phone). For anyone reading this who might be interested in that kind of thing.
we've held a bunch of first-time contributors' workshops and for a lot of people there, the notion that they can actually build the apps on their phones themselves, or modify them, was pretty radical. I think that's part of the equation too, showing people that they don't have to be passive consumers of technology. Getting more, and different people involved in building things.

@jfr %hDEHV/j+Pdz99Xckz0WFLgFayCy35Z92JpFEoVmvIlc=.sha256
Voted ## Why are there two countdowns next to eachother in Napier? Click here to
@jfr %cay6hKsVelRl2YJcQ4JtMl4iIZPaJYd/cg5Cb4hcALw=.sha256
Voted # A Cryptographic Investigation of Secure Scuttlebutt > Abstract Scuttlebu
@jfr %j0U7+vXsBm6LzOjTr8CW6dCY1r2wickt2JlMH7B4en4=.sha256
Voted Some quick notes on #cccamp19: * met lots of euro burners there – especial

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