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@andrestaltz %XRkw++SROyvwkBtJ8jCAuHjugIhsjNuDIG2xn3U1OA0=.sha256

Honestly, I'm beginning to think "was React Native that much worth it after all?" now that I take a careful look at some Cordova tools, e.g. Framework7. Cordova (i.e. WebView "apps") are suboptimal user experience, but in some cases they are pretty good. E.g. my email client on Android is a Cordova (or webview) app, and I don't bother with it at all. Actually I constantly forget that it's not native.

Maybe the UX cost-benefit story is: if you want top-notch UX, go full native, which means develop it from scratch 3 times: Swift (iOS), Kotlin (Android), Qt (Desktop). If you want full cross-platform compatibility, go full web (Cordova), it will be approx 120% the effort of building for one platform. If you want something else (what?), go react native.

With all the drama surrounding Google and its ridiculous policies, I'm wondering whether #manyverse would be better off today if it were on Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, Linux, as opposed to being only on Android.

Granted, moving the React Native codebase to Cordova+Framework7 would not be an impossibility, given that Framework7 also supports React.

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