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@mix %t5Uckp5kserw/V6HYBc+unU+x/vY/3aFfcV0Dij1zRQ=.sha256

Client Server analogy

down at the bank...


@Linas %FNDaol9+3xy2J8I24yNcMPXCwugycVvNzI6y5ijwpLQ=.sha256

The bank is originally a "banque": an imposing, heavy desk with drawers, in which are stashed all of the paperwork contracts for the collateral-backed loans, insurance policies and futures contracts that the financier has issued to various ship-owners, merchants and other shipping clients.

@mix %i/lOqdm/TEbzmbyRu8mcFXeejX6d3x8hc10N8Bj47Xc=.sha256
Voted The bank is originally a "banque": an imposing, heavy desk with drawers, in
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