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@cel %HQR/uM1xoMOIjm7LXxelgtUJ3qmYdezUpA6bSYa4nCk=.sha256
Re: %pMC1fjHPm

Issues %6soNYVi... %EuBko8O... %T/hvUoU... were about errors occuring when attempting to operate on git-ssb channel repos [%23BaLMY...]. I didn't fully implement digs or issues or pull-requests for channel repos. If anyone wants those features, let me know. For now, I removed the links that just lead to errors. I am no longer using channel repos [%UoFH/lO...] and have not seen anyone else use them, so I assume this is not a problem.

cc @Joey STANFORD @noffle @wanderer

& cc @arj for the fixed issue %6geig3M....

git-ssb-web v2.11.7 published to ssb-npm in %RuoAU/5....

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