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@dangerousbeans %HRvgOEUY9dAGg5AjNec3mkGz4gNINJRwWruk/l/Kud8=.sha256
Re: %lVhr5Vr5l

We thought perhaps the owner had died or something so did a bunch of detective work, eventually finding his forum posts from 2004 about getting the boat ready for offshore Cat-1 and sailing successfully to Fuji and back then enjoying liveaboard life with his dog:

Screenshot from 2019-05-28 09-42-11.png

From this I could get his name and a number, but it didn't go anywhere so we thought maybe he had died. But then through facebook stalking we found his brothers name, who had pictures of a football club, and that football club had his phone number listed so bam, we could call his brother. He confirmed the owner was alive and just didn't answer the phone ever, so we texted him saying we were worried about his boat getting reposessed by the harbourmaster

He said he knew, and was trying to get rid of her, the best offer he'd had was $5,000 NZD ($2,500 USD)

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