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@andrestaltz %I5GrChJSKV4tNGfWW5hAd8X5SVOfRK9ljFaUAUjQZ/c=.sha256
Re: %b6nlgiAu3

Okay, found something that could revolutionise everything:

Basically, running normal node.js on a different thread than React Native's JS thread. This would have the benefit of (1) not having to carefully hackily port node.js stuff to RN, (2) being on a different thread than JS for UI.

Point (2) was actually spinning in my mind already when I accidentally started syncing my phone with my computer's ssb feeds. It's not a good idea to have hard core SSB stack and UI in the same process or thread. Patch* already separates these, as far as I know. Even when you run sbot server on one terminal, and sbot feed, you also have multiprocessing going on. So it would be natural to expect multiprocessing/multithreading for mobile.

I'm going to give that approach a shot, while pausing this approach, but just for a while, I don't want to spend to much time on this detour.

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