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@dan %J/Nz/jsonGDCrJiQybgOdtt7/yyxuCYWRuGcpDGP/38=.sha256
Re: %69K8f1XvC

@mix I just realised another thing i would LOVE in the context of #dark-crystal work. I'd love to be able to see all posts by a group of people. so for example

I know kieran, peg and mu basically only speak about dark crystal - sometimes they don't tag their posts with one of the dark crystals

so, I'd love to open a default tab with


If that makes sense... back of the envelope is that feasible. if it is I would be up for github issuing it and seeing if we could get it gitcoin funded - but would need back of the envelope notion of how many days work it'll cost.

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