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@mix %JZSv3mu+Ia2Id1sPCBCFWUeiSNYIcQIs51t+KYN5shU=.sha256
Re: %Hl60icjZW

what would you do differently next lightning talk?

Prepare more: as in make better slides, practice writing and speaking about the ideas more to find better / clearer ways to convey them, and to be able to speak more confidently with less "ummmm"s.

I wanted to just start talking about about identity and colonisation, because they felt important, and the reading and conversations I'd been having had stirred things up inside me. I knew the talk would be a bit rocky ... the last conference talk I did was like this too, it took me 3-4 goes of giving the talk at events to really nail the ideas - to connect them clearly, find a path through them, and do it in a way which was (I thought) accessible and exciting (as opposed to angry and a downer).

I want to continue to learn about identity and colonisation. I'm in the process of telling people about this and it's already generating a lot of connections with both people to talk to, and places I should be putting my energy e.g. engaging with the emerging discourse on digital identity in NZ.

I'm lucky to be surrounded by people who are already working on this, so it feels like I'm going to be going deep quite a lot quicker than expected! (it's not luck, it's the result of a succession of values based decisions which has brought us to settle in the same neighbourhood)

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@mix %g+qwlD/Ta2mIgxv0ki8BtoqvpbPqvUUQ0W5Qz8wK4Js=.sha256

@epk you're looking for "tags" in patchwork!
If you're not into that I'd start a private message thread and only address it to yourself... or if you like make it a public thread and share the joy

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