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@mix %KfQLbuRZ3fzMW7OoWJh3v0Zm+teCoDc+LqCMJJfQ/B4=.sha256
Re: %2qEtYbJ/t

hey @peg note I've shifted scuttle-dark-crystal to using sodium-friends/sodium-native. There's a clearly marked commit relevant to this to see all the changes.

I think I might be leaning to not directly using scuttle-invite. It feels like we have a very specific use case and we're trying to flex something general to fit. I like the idea of invites, I also just think it's fine to not use it. We've already been a little locked in because we assumed building around requesting returns, when we've identified that that's a more a nice-to-have path and the more general case is wanting to be able to not HAVE TO have requests.

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