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@mmckegg %Ks/EQ88iFhXtKVhIRc1qBE9I6XeYqLVc6gXWn3d6nhA=.sha256
Re: %DxQpzCl/x


Finally getting back into some #patchwork-dev!!

Today I went through a bunch of pull requests/issues and made few little tweaks here and there:

  • added link previews for channels (hover over a channel to subscribe and see see how many of your friends subscribe)
  • dynamically insert your own posts into rollup without requiring a refresh! No more losing your place in the feed when you reply :joy:
  • finally fixed the local peers getting stuck in the sidebar until restarting bug
  • fixed an issue where trying to add the same attachment twice didn't work
  • changed the wording on the onlySubscribed filter setting because the old text was confusing
  • oh and made the onlySubscribed filter actually work... whoops.
  • merged @happy0's PR for enforcing single patchwork instance
  • fixed the bump header showing the same tags/channels multiple times or the wrong ones
  • and a few other bug fixes

Currently pushing to get a new release out with all the fixes from the last month and a bit! Want to get that out tomorrow.

After that I am planning on putting together another grant proposal (for march), and then getting a few big patchwork things done like:

  • patchwork as an sbot plugin (and making it more compatible with other ssb apps)
  • actually finish sameAs
  • private blobs
  • implement latest sbot stuff like out-of-order messages and ebt!

I'm trying not to feel guilty about not getting sameAs all done in my last grant, but I did get a lot of other good things done so that's good. But I think I established from my sameAs prototype that this is possible, and a good idea! Just a lot of fiddly work.

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