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@Dominic %KuSWHTGgMbcMXwvv59K+HGLSV/8O2mNZcQFfdzV9nEk=.sha256
Re: %KXHeBAnfJ

@dinosaur I am getting some flak, but I'm also getting a lot of support from friends and others who see that too much is expected of maintainers.
I'm glad that this incident is bringing awareness to the absurd responsibility that module maintainers bear.

I havn't written anything that depends on event-stream in years. It was literally the first stream module that I wrote, 7 years ago. I've moved on significantly since then. Switching to pull-streams before I started secure-scuttlebutt. That's one of the major problems here, I was left with the keys to maintain something that I no longer used: I have no skin in the game. Expecting me to maintain this makes no sense.

nothing in scuttlebutt depends on event-stream!

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