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@Christian Bundy %Kw7lqhqn9szBAPb59HLB3lu12mR57rzIrG1XQ001Fgg=.sha256
Re: %A4807Ky0U


spiraling concerns about who has the right to delete what content

I'm only talking about deleting from flumedb on my machine, although if we were talking about network deletion over Scuttlebutt I'd absolutely share your concerns. I'm working on this, which seems straightforward, although I agree that trying to propagate deletion across the network would require loads of nuance.

For what it's worth, this thread is a continuation of our discussion here, the only change is that I'm trying to avoid a full rebuild of each flumeview when we only delete a single message. Do you think that's viable, or do you think there's a better way to implement this?

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