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@mix %KwcjvZ1WLa1qVxBrgiNAECTFlBHxPFkvUxpdKc4m9dc=.sha256
Re: %WDEEoMQn6

can you not do something more naive:

  • have flumeview plugins loaded in-order so that a new module, say ssb-predecrypted when plugged in first gets passed messages first.
  • then when a plugin comes across an encryped message, you send a request to ssb-decrypted to handle it, which has been building a plain text cache



//// in ssb-backlinks

  if (typeof msg.value.content === 'string') {
    msg.value.content = sbot.predecrypted.getContent(msg.key)

you could even pass every message over and put that boolean logic inside ssb-predecrypted

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