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@cryptix %L+Z3Tktn7h9UkCdRxYpGGosm+mjCdeuEOUwdZS1ztEk=.sha256

Soo... I wanted to have this thing for quite some time but now it's really close to being usable. I present to you:

a pub monitor

The idea is that it checks the pubs, that it knows regularly and logs the attempt, kind of like a down just for me? service.


It is a rather central thing (has a web-interface and a non-replicating database, currently at least) but it uses the #golang #go-ssb stack and already show some interesting results: some pubs go up and down, some seem to stay offline, some accept connections but then hang during key exchange..

@cryptix %wYUqCd4hhgX6CePD9ijxAtIczeOCIJdeeHNQ8pJ0Zjg=.sha256

I'll continue with this once we have msg verification working and can support legacy feed and blob replication (in short: turning it into a pub).

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