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@Hendrik Peter %L7CcUYuuYak3MCbYXTBv6dfqbx7n0JmptIwjSHWN40Y=.sha256
Re: %zqan82+rN

@farewellutopia, I agree with @Powersource here.
Rooms are also a much much better onboarding tool for new users in general (since they won't be bomb-shelled by the huge amounts of data present on pubs in the onboarding pub list. is the place

@BigTek %zv0yRyLvyjsLW/zM9WNtxMwYHmMVLJ3AVmxnv5zLLpU=.sha256

Is there a documentation for setting up #ssbroom yourself on a server that one already have in some other cloud provider?

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