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@Hendrik Peter %LGAomdrOFsnd7G8fUHzXoJYEwh8XgvUMch3eKTbOk+w=.sha256

tech radar 22.jpg

I went over the Toughtworks Tech radar with a customer this morning and suddenly noticed that both "Data mesh" and "Decentralized identity" are part of the "asses" section in the Techniques radar now.

Pretty awesome to see DWeb slowly taking its place in "normal everyday" mainstream software development!


@cryPhone📱 %FXw8mXmjIXmPz8DVyEWjrhkhEOa2+Sfd5M2UQCzTQ+0=.sha256
Voted ![tech radar 22.jpg](&0FuWmNruRUCOdvrm3ZejDAp84+WpeWXOOmu2xFLnqVM=.sha256)
@cryPhone📱 %GLTt6qwB8B0dmfy3G9P2X9blWxSTTQ3QHRLiTHSiQLM=.sha256

the "asses" section

What a buttish typo 🙃

@Hendrik Peter %vRsKkTQtmGaRc8qg1gQnG7d1I82oxqegDNmR6EJCcOQ=.sha256


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