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@Soapy mcSoap %LSKxI1Hhlm0M9OA5S3+o7ir4ZygwNEIDjbdPIP/OohE=.sha256
Re: %1IRlVj5KV

Yep, if I comment out that UnixSock line directly on the file inside node_modules, then it all works well.


Trying to think what is the best way to fix this. I've tried a couple of modules that stub out the fs.* functions but they only work on your own source files, not inside the files from node_modules/. This is trickier than it seems. What is really strange is that this was not happening before and as far as I can tell, that UnixSock line has been there since 2019. So how come the Patchfox build worked in 2020?! I have no idea.

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