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@Rabble %M+Za5BHBqLvDWyqEtCok39QY9VNgGj8OWlYQNiMHI8g=.sha256

More sunrises.

planetary attachment no.1

@Nico [ iOS ] %GNinLVB+e30buH0JbIrwOSGzcvyMZlteFfd/ms+RDP8=.sha256

On thing I love about Auckland is that you can see both the sunrise and sunset at the beach if you want to. Given that the island here is so narrow, you can go from Pacific Ocean to Tasman Sea in less than an hour

@Nico [ iOS ] %eA0HGUu/l9pE3Ck/mn6qd5MnAUhh11dhTNcL0bL70Kg=.sha256
Voted More sunrises. ![planetary attachment no.1](&JQp2e89aUN3ltNBZrNOH17c3R3H4
@Bobobo %iuM6eZDWWuheqe525lsHR6Q8Hoygb9gmF8XQabCh7Z0=.sha256


@Aaron %nLQsFnus6RON9zGMRd7m8YjIeL9Y5FtTQ0jDWEggm9s=.sha256
Voted More sunrises. ![planetary attachment no.1](&JQp2e89aUN3ltNBZrNOH17c3R3H4
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