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@SoapDog (Macbook Air M1) %MCFwFqWvMr+O6uGwlkkE/U/nA18ngDH2wZqLheae34E=.sha256

Been quite offline for a while, think it has been months since I last used a computer with joy. Lots happened here, a lot of good and cool stuff but also bad and sad stuff, life is like that isn't it? Now, am trying to get back into some of my own hobbies such as development and writing instead of my recent extreme focus on being social and around people.

Missed this place, hope I can make it a regular thing for me again. I'm quite bound to routine and when living in Niterói or London, I'd go to a coffee shop in the morning and open my laptop and browse SSB. For the past six months or so in Edinburgh, I have not been going around with a laptop. I been leaving it at home and only picking it up to work. Which is kinda why I vanished from here for a bit.

I'm not saying that routine was better, not using the laptop has also made my own creative output disappear. I haven't been making stuff and that causes me to feel quite low energy and down. So, maybe I should go back to my old ways.

While I been outside SSB space, I had romantic relationships come and go, I made lots of friends and been in many interesting parties, I started making soap, massage bars, truffles and even hand sewed some gifts. I listened to way to many audiobooks as my main thing to do when alone has been go for walks listening to either a book or podcast.

Been a good ride but I also miss writing more and developing little apps. ADHD and ND were a hard and freeing realisation for me. Now, I can start working with myself instead of against myself.

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@Jacob %1wDg1HE3gcnw/qMsPGlLnCWTDH6iG4+6+GrkXcvZ0M8=.sha256

@SoapDog (Macbook Air M1) i feel like i shouldn't be that surprised you're making SOAP

@Martín Dutra %7npPtY6Fj30P9JpoYUaKZPpXK9FVEV6++HN8LJr41hI=.sha256
Voted Been quite offline for a while, think it has been months since I last used
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