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@mix %MRR6ZqQ7iJy/ejEDPT/q5wfE79sKfltOzjEp1fAVVEc=.sha256
Re: %TAWyfC+cS

You write really clearly, nice work!
I like your clarification about channels vs tags.

I feel kinda bad saying this but ... if you put an image near the top of your articles it might make it more welcoming and ....shareable.

I'm suprised you didn't referenced scuttlebutt dynamics more - it seems like this is a concrete space which is revealing some of the dynamics you mention. I think for some users, knowing that what you're saying could be based in some experience might ground it and lend it more credibility than an opnion piece.

I look forward to mulling more on this an re-reading it.

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